Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Working on my Book Cover

I have added a red > blue gradient to cover the white of my cover template and added the pixel art image of me as a new layer
I have added my old style drawing to the back cover and scaled it down
I have added a photo of my guitar as a layer and erased around the image to remove the background
I have adjusted the color of the guitar layer by adjusting the Hue/Saturation, selective colour, the colour balance and contrast to give a more vibrant red colour 
I have scaled down the guitar layer and positioned it so that it's mainly on the front cover but slightly overlays to the back
I have cut out the shape of my wooden bat cutout and I am then going to adjust the colours and scale and move it
I have adjusted the selective colour and hue, then scaled the image down, flipped it horizontally and moved it

I have added 3 image scans of comic book covers. I added the 3 as seperate layers, used the perspective, rotate and skew tools to arrange the covers and then placed them on a single layer. I then used the lens blur tool to draw focus away from the cover art so that my art is still prominant but you can still see the comics. I also adjusted the opacity for this reason.

I have added 2 images from the internet of comic covers from stories I like, put moved, used the free transform tool to rotate and skew the images. put them on a separate layer and used a lens blur on the images.

I have added 2 pieces of text for the title and the author name using Chalkduster font and font 36 for the Title and 12 for the author name.

I have added the spine text and blurb text in the same font but 18 size.

This is my finished design

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Developing my self portrait work. Pixel art style

I am going to try to produce a piece similar to Alejandro Rene Hernandez's work in the style of pixel art. I am using a photo of myself to work from.
I duplicated the layer and renamed it photo and added a transparent layer which I will paint on to and have started by selecting the background with the magic wand tool and painted the background on the transparent layer

I have added a grid, changed the settings to snap to and adjusted the size so that I can use the polygon select tool to select areas of my face and colour them in

I have completed the outline layer

I then added the white layer working with the same method

Continuing with this method I have gotten this far in my piece

I have completed my pixel art piece

Developing my Self Portrait work. Aging a photo

Aging a photo
to begin with I have scanned in my self portrait drawing
I then clicked Image > Adjustments > Black and White and made the image darker by reducing the red.
I then dragged a Brown paper texture I found on the internet into photoshop, scaled the image and then rasterized the smart object and renamed the layer Brown Paper
I have then Changed the blending mode of the drawing to Colour Burn and reduced the opacity.

I then dragged the brown paper layer beneath the drawing and selected an area of the brown paper using the magic wand tool to delete a section of the drawing layer
I then clicked Select > Colour Range on the Brown Paper layer, dragged the fuzziness to 50 and selected some of the layer.
I then deleted the selection from the Brown paper layer, used the inversed selection and used an transparent eraser on the remaining layer
Finally I used a texturizer filter on the image

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Research of 6 different portrait artists

Raul Allen
Raul Allen's style of art is Graphic Design Illustration in the form of comicbook and magazine art, in this piece portraits of Barack Obama and John Mccain. I am a fan of comicbook art, the paint styled texture and the flat colors which is why I chose this piece.

Kelsey Dake
I like how this Graphic Design piece by Kelsey Dake incorporates a similar comicbook style through a flat untoned image and also how the piece looks hand drawn and is pure black and white. I also like how some typography was used in the piece since it helps give the piece a unique style.

Tom Hovey
I like the style Tom Hovey used in this piece in that it looks like it has a rough kind of texture as it looks like the image is stuck in from something like a magazine. I also like how the background is painted and the man is on a seperate layer. I also like the idea of the speech bubble and the handwritten style of writing in it.

Alejandro Rene Hernandez
This style of art by Ajejandro Rene Hernandez interested me because it uses pixels to create an image. I think I would be able to produce a similar piece using Photoshop.

What I like about this piece by ArnO is that the image almost looks real even though it's a digital image. The smooth detail and airbrush effect give away that the image isn't real however the impression is that it is.

Ingela Och Vi
This portrait piece by Ingela Och Vi is created using paper but what I like is that the impression given is 3D and layered.